The Situation
A few years into its operation, launched several niche websites specialising in specific home improvement categories. It created the Network of Stores to reflect the array of products offered online. To manage several websites that attract thousands of visitors daily and hundreds of thousands of orders monthly, needed to partner with a software company and decided to tap Rithum for Digital Marketing support.
After seeing great success on its own website, knew the company was missing a slew of potential customers on various e-commerce marketplaces. Having already developed a strong relationship with Rithum, wanted to test the waters with Rithum Marketplaces to expand its online presence and reach more customers. “It was time to build upon the digital marketing and advertising success we were experiencing with Rithum, and Rithum Marketplaces provided us with the perfect opportunity to do just that,” said Brian Hudson,, director of marketplaces.
The Solution began using Rithum Marketplaces to manage its product data feeds and listings, monitor product quantities and streamline its fulfilment orders in one system. Rithum Marketplaces complemented’s digital marketing and advertising strategies to allow the company to accelerate its online growth.
“Rithum became our complete, 360 degree solution for both marketplaces and digital marketing. It helped take our growth to a new level and has allowed us to scale faster than ever,” said Hudson.
The Results
With Rithum, started selling on multiple online channels, and the company’s marketplaces department has become the fastest-growing department in the company.
“After starting with eBay and Amazon using a direct integration, it wasn’t long before we launched additional marketplaces including Walmart, Sears and Overstock,” said Hudson.
As considers ways to continue expansion through methods such as cross-border trade, Rithum enables the marketplaces team to explore new opportunities without fear of e-commerce cannibalization.
“Rithum Marketplaces helps us incrementally access new customers we otherwise wouldn’t get on our site, with absolutely no chance of cannibalising existing business,” said Hudson.