Recently we hosted a webinar with e-commerce experts:
- Joshua Bligh, Product Marketing Manager, eBay Advertising
- Helen Murray, Head of Seller Experience, eBay
- Simon Kelly, Strategic Partnerships Manager, Rithum Australia,
about eBay’s new features are explored and explained to help you maximise your results.
If you missed you, you’ll want to check out this webinar, as we find out from the experts exactly how to reach more qualified buyers who are actively searching for what you are selling and learn how to set a campaign for maximum results. You will learn:
- What’s new on eBay
- How to leverage real-time analytics
- How to use Volume Pricing (and increase your sales by up to 23%*)
- How to increase the visibility of your product on search and listening pages
- How to make the most of Promoted Listings
You might not have heard of these features, but they could change your eBay experience in a big way. Promoted Listings is a unique cost per sale advertising tool that you can use to increase the visibility of your listings on eBay. It’s a great way to get more exposure. Plus, if your item doesn’t sell, you don’t pay a fee. Volume pricing is an eBay feature providing tiered discounts to buyers when purchasing multiple items.
This is a fantastic webinar and if you missed the live session – Click Here to view!