Managed Marketplaces Services Description

Where Managed Marketplaces Services are designated in a SOW, Rithum will provide the following Services directed toward managing the Marketplaces Module on Customers’ behalf, in accordance with the scope detailed in the SOW:

1. Implementation Services.  Implementation Services will begin after Customer delivers an acceptable and approved Inventory Feed to Rithum. Customer authorizes Rithum to assist in the setup of Network Site accounts, as needed, and accept the applicable terms on Customer’s behalf.  Rithum will work with Customer to integrate inventory into the Rithum Platform in up to 250 active and unique child level categories, subject to the restrictions and assumptions of this SOW. Rithum will develop and share an integration plan to direct the integration process. Rithum will assist with the posting of Product Information to the Network Site and will make reasonable strategy updates on a regular basis. Network Site launch timelines may vary depending on Customer priorities.

2. Project Plan. This Section 2 describes the key implementation phases performed for the Marketplaces Managed Services as follows:

  1. Phase I: Solution Overview and Account Creation.  Rithum will contact the Customer’s designated staff to review a detailed project plan. Customer’s Marketplaces account will be created in the Rithum Platform. Rithum will work with Customer to gather the required and recommended data points for the Network Site(s) as well as the necessary information for the account set-up process, based on Customer’s product categories and best practices.
  2. Phase II: Account Configuration and API Integration.  Rithum will make recommendations on account structure and site configuration based on industry best practices, solution configuration, and budget objectives. Customer will initiate feed and/or API integration activities.
  3. Phase III: Inventory Categorization, Upload, Mapping and Testing. During this phase, Rithum will work closely with Customer on inventory categorization, product upload, and template mapping.  Once all components are finalized, Rithum will work with Customer to run through up to 25 test case scenarios (i.e. inventory, listings and orders), to be pre-determined by Rithum.
  4. Phase IV: Marketplace Listing Processes and Buyer Customer Care Training. During this phase Rithum will provide training materials to Customer’s buyer customer care team. Rithum will train Customer’s designated team on important topics such as the post-sales process, customer service, and reporting.  Rithum will work closely with Customer’s designated staff to begin a soft launch of products to the Network Site(s).  A tiered launch may be required for some Network Sites.
  5. Phase V: Launch and On-Going Management. Rithum will work closely with Customer on launching additional product on the Network Site.  Once all items are posted, Rithum will handle the ongoing management of the account with any needed assistance from Customer.

3. Rithum Platform Report.  The Rithum Platform Report interface includes the following reports configurable by date range.

  1. Inventory Velocity
  2. Payment Cleared
  3. Payment Cleared Detail
  4. Listing Activity
  5. Site Activity
  6. SKU Activity
  7. Performance Summary

4. Managed Services: Marketplaces

  1. Campaign Maintenance.  Rithum will utilize proprietary best practices and the Rithum Platform to maintain the campaigns associated with Customer’s Network Site Account(s). Such activities may include but are not limited to:
    1. Template Mapping Updates: Rithum will update inventory and/or Network Site template mappings as needed based on Network Site or seller changes.
    2. Content Changes: Rithum will update content on the Network Site(s) provided by seller based on Network Site or seller changes.
    3. Error Resolution:  Rithum will monitor and address any feed or Network Site(s) errors that occur. Customer will provide additional information as requested in order to aid in resolving errors.
    4. New Inventory:  When/if new product catalog data or inventory items are added to the feed, Rithum will list them to the appropriate Network Site(s) subject to the accuracy and completeness of Inventory Feeds provided by Customer.
  2. Campaign Monitoring.
    1. Performance Trends: Rithum will monitor and review Customer’s account based on goals and performance.
    2. Monitor Post-Sale Process: Rithum will review all post-sale processes and provide notes/guidance on seller metrics during weekly calls. Customer’s customer service team is solely responsible to address accordingly.
    3. Live Listing Counts: Rithum will monitor consistency of live listing counts based on available inventory in Customer’s catalog.
  3. Campaign Enhancements.  Rithum will utilize proprietary best practices and the Rithum Platform to optimize the data associated with Customer’s Network Site Account(s). Such actions may include but are not limited to:
    1. Promotional Listings: Customer will provide Rithum the approved promotional listing (i.e. such as eBay’s daily deals) details and Rithum will ensure they meet site requirements and post accordingly. Customer is responsible for identifying SKUs to submit for promotional placement.
    2. Content Enhancement: Rithum will work with Customer on optimizing and adding any required, highly recommended, and/or optional data points to help maximize search visibility and sales.
    3. New Integrations: If/when any new integration to a designated Network Site is necessary, Rithum will provide consultation on the process, ownership of tasks, and timeline.
    4. Adoption of New Features: Rithum will provide guidance to Customer on new Network Site features and implement as appropriate and where possible.
  4. Campaign Communication.
    1. Periodic Call: The parties will participate in a recurring call to review performance analysis and provide updates on campaign management activities. The frequency of such call shall be as stated in the SOW.
    2. Campaign Reporting: Rithum will provide a standard weekly report on sales performance. Custom reporting is subject to additional fees.
  5. Buyer Customer Care. Customer is responsible for handling Network Site(s) customer service inquires.  Rithum will assist with Customer’s questions relating only to the Rithum Platform.  Customer will provide Rithum a contact email for the escalation of product questions and inquiries requiring further research or information.
  6. Buyer Checkout for Network Sites.  When selling on the Network Sites, checkout occurs on the appropriate Network Site. Therefore, Customer is responsible for setting up shipping tables and tax calculations in Customer’s Network Site(s) Account.

5. Services Requirements. Rithum’s performance of the Services is subject to Customer’s ongoing fulfillment of the following requirements to Rithum ’s reasonable satisfaction.

  1. Customer must provide all hardware and connectivity necessary to gain access to and use the Rithum Platform Report functionality.
  2. Customer must have a basic understanding of applicable Network Sites.
  3. Customer must have one-to-one SKU/Inventory Number-per-Item relationship in place, or Rithum will either i) use an existing unique value or ii) generate SKUs so each item has a unique SKU number. Existing SKU values cannot exceed 40 characters in length.
  4. Services will begin when Customer provides an Inventory Feed that meets Rithum’s specifications or approval and that contains product page URLs of a single domain. Up to two (2) Inventory Feeds may be provided. The Customer must update each Inventory Feed at least weekly.  “Inventory Feed” means a transfer of product data from Customer to Rithum by means of FTP or API.
  5. If Customer would like to utilize Rithum’s APIs, then Customer is responsible for integrating with Rithum’s API. All documentation is provided via the Rithum Developer Forum  and any technical support or questions should be directed to the Rithum Community.
  6. Customer must provide at least one Account per Network Site. Customer must have completed the approval process for the Network Site(s) and have access to applicable Network Site Account(s).
  7. Customer shall set up the applicable payment processing (e.g., PayPal account) and fulfillment accounts and provide processing account guidance as needed.
  8. Customer must be able to accept cleared payment from Network Sites.
  9. Customer is responsible for the design and identification of SKUs for promotions and marketing materials.